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Deep Dive

The Best Green Teas To Kick Start The New Year

After the Christmas break spending time with loved ones, getting merry and overindulging in all the festive treats can leave you wanting a healthy reset when the New Year comes around.  Whether you have a long list of resolutions or are just trying to take steps in living a healthier lifestyle, here at The Tea Makers we have put together the perfect guide of healthy teas for you.

To start the new year right and kick start your healthy habits, increasing your tea consumption and adding a Green Tea into your routine can have a multitude of health benefits.

It can be a little intimidating entering the world of loose leaf as there are so many types of tea with different flavour profiles, origins, benefits and more. We are here to shed some light on the best teas for your health.

Origins of Green Tea

With the growing interest in superfoods and healthy eating, over the years the British public have ventured into new territory. Straying from the old classics like Earl Grey and English Breakfast, we have begun to embrace the vast variety of teas types, including Green Teas.

Originating from China, Green Tea is now produced across Asia and other parts of the world, with specialty varieties like Matcha grown is specific regions.

Green Tea comes from the same Camellia Sinensis plant that black, white, oolong and Pu-Erh teas are made from. The variation comes from the different ways the plant is treated during growth, and how it is processed once the leaves are picked.

The black tea leaves used to make the classic brews that have been drunk in Britain over centuries, use withering, oxidation and fermentation when being processed. Green Tea leaves however are less processed which is why the leaves often still have their lighter colouring and keep hold of more antioxidants.

Benefits of Loose Leaf Tea

With the rush of modern-day life, more and more of us are searching for things to bring us moments of calm, peace, and tranquility. The action of taking some ‘me time’ to brew pot and drink tea allows you to unwind, giving you a breather from the stresses of everyday life.

The difference in consuming high quality loose leaf Green Tea and cheaper supermarket bagged alternatives is quite a comparison.

We are committed to helping support the communities and regions in which we import our teas from and always use responsibly sourced highest quality full leaves.

Cheaper tea bags often use the dust remnants of tea leaves which is left after processing, which do not contain as much flavour and cannot be steeped more than once. High-quality loose leaf tea has a richer flavour and can be steeped multiple times, meaning you get more cups of tea per teaspoon.

Benefits of Green Teas

The overall profile of our Green Teas is that of light and mild flavours, with fresh, sweet, and grassy notes. Below is an exploration into the health benefits of tea and which will be perfect for your taste and needs.

No.51 Japanese Sencha

Japanese Sencha is the most popular tea in Japan and Green Tea represents about 80% of Japanese tea production. The beauty of this tea is that it can be enjoyed hot in the colder months, but also chilled during the summer, a claim not all Green Teas can live up to!

Lightly steamed, and dried the distinctively thin, cylindrical leaves are a beauty to behold. Once brewed, the infusion is a pale yellow-green and produces a clean green flavour with grassy sweet notes, transporting you to a meadow in the fresh spring air.

The low-intervention production process of the leaves helps preserve the mother plant’s nutrients and antioxidants, which allows this tea to offer a selection of benefits. Studies have shown that these may include weight loss, lowered blood pressure and cholesterol and even improved dental health thanks to its fluoride content!

No.52 Supreme Genmaicha

Supreme Genmaicha is a luxurious and distinctive delicacy, originally consumed by Buddhist monks during periods of fasting and by those who did not have regular access to food. Our authentic, award-winning blend is made from premium quality sencha with roasted rice grains and popcorn and offers a mild grassy flavour with nutty notes coming from the roasted rice.

Thanks to being high in polyphenols (plant compound goodness), this tea is associated with improved gut health, good cardiovascular function and even help in cancer prevention.

No.53 Jasmine Green Tea

Our aromatic and refreshing, Great Taste award-winning Jasmine Green Tea is a perfect blend of Chinese Green Tea leaves infused with the oils of jasmine flowers. Producing a clear yellow with green hue, this cup is a well-balanced uplifting brew with a sweet floral aroma.

As well as being a delicate pick-me-up, this blend has been linked to weight management as well as being higher in antioxidants and vitamin C than other teas.

No.54 Organic Dragon Well

Dragon Well is often referred to as the national drink of China, and aids in the body’s digestive system, as well as decreasing inflammation. For those looking for a fat burner, this is an excellent choice as these leaves have a high level of Vitamin C and amino acids increasing the bodies metabolic rate.

This popular tea has distinctive, emerald-green flat leaves and produces a clear yellow infusion with a pine-green hue and has a delicate mellow taste and sweet finish.

No.60 Mao Feng

Mao Feng, known for its gloriously downy, slightly twisted leaf buds, imparts a wonderfully smooth and distinct flavour for the grandest of daytime teas.

Exceptionally rich in antioxidants, our delicious version of this famous Chinese Green Tea bestows a gorgeous jade-green cup with a flowery, aromatic fragrance and refreshing taste that lingers beautifully on the tongue.

As it offers a less grassy taste than the typical Green Tea, our Mao Feng would be great if you are someone who does not usually like Green Teas.

Find Your Favourite Green Tea

Whether you are looking for a new addition to your collection or just dipping your toe into the world of Green Tea we have the perfect blend for you.

Our Healthy Green Tea Starter Kit is the perfect way to explore green tea flavours. Packed with a hand-picked selection of delicious green teas, brewing instructions, and elegant teaware and brewing accessories required to prepare the perfect cup. This practical kit is the ideal introduction to green tea and a perfect gift for green tea lovers alike.

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